What Is 10mm Limestone Used For?
10mm limestone is a versatile material commonly used in construction, landscaping, and decorative projects. It plays a key role in creating strong concrete foundations when mixed with ballast and cement, making it an excellent choice for fence posts and panels.
How Much Does 10 Yards of 10mm Limestone Cost?
Each of our 25kg bags of 10mm limestone covers a certain area, and for 10 yards, you’ll need approximately 460 bags. The total cost typically ranges between £1,500 – £1,800, but for an exact price, please call us for a quote at:
📞 0151 207 7490
Can You Drive on Limestone Paving?
Limestone paving can handle light vehicle traffic, but its durability depends on installation quality and material strength. 10mm limestone is generally not recommended for driveways, as it may not provide the necessary support.
If you need advice on a suitable material for driveways, feel free to contact us for expert guidance.